{Faith} #Determination.

By: Mandy Hill

1 Peter 5:7-8a, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert.

Last week I shared something I truly struggle with; food. You can read my post called {Faith} My ugly struggle: revealed, HERE. As uncomfortable as I was to write that post, doing so brought a release of anxiety that I held close. As I shared, empowerment and determination filled those places.


God wants us to be real, sisters. He created each one of us as unique individuals and desires for us to be consumed with His love; not anxiety.

So, as I begin this new week, I begin with #determination. I am acutely aware of some very important biblical truths:

1) I need to stay committed to what God has called me to do. The moment I take my eyes off of Jesus I feel a void; and if I feel a void I will naturally try to fill it. (And that just causes trouble.) God asks us to ‘be self controlled and alert!’ (1 Peter 5:8a)

2) I need to stay active. Idle time goes to wasted time and Christ calls us to live purposefully. (1 Thessalonians 4:7)

3) Becoming what I think of me is the quickest way to forget about what God thinks of me. This is a loaded statement so re-read it a couple of times and truly let it penetrate into your soul. (Psalm 139:14)

What is it that keeps you feeling determined and empowered, sister friends?! I would love to hear what biblical truths keep you on track. Feel free to share with me in the comment section below, or send me a personal email to: mandy844@hotmail.com!

Let’s keep it real, sisters! As we journey through this new week remember Who’s daughter you are, and how very much He loves us all!!!

Jesus, thank You for your abundant love. Thank You that we can cast all of our fears and anxieties on you because you so care! Thank you that you are cheering us on as we step out with determination to make happy and healthier choices, giving you all the glory with each new victory! Please encourage my sisters who are journeying with me, bless them with strength and endurance, I pray. In Jesus name, amen.


  1. I loved that when you shared the moment “I take my eyes off of Jesus, I fill a void; and if I fill a void I will naturally try to fill it.” Thanks for those words that blessed me this morning. Debbie W. (OBS Team Leader/Facebook Group Leader/Blog Hop Team)


  2. “Becoming what I think of me is the quickest way to forget about what God thinks of me.” Thank you for such a thought-provoking statement! I will be mulling this over all day today! I easily find myself trying desperately to live up to my own expectations when I really need to keep going back to God’s Word and focusing on what He says about me. I am His child!


  3. Mandy thanks for sharing your thoughts especially your note on “3) Becoming what I think of me is the quickest way to forget about what God thinks of me. This is a loaded statement so re-read it a couple of times and truly let it penetrate into your soul. (Psalm 139:14)” my thoughts about myself were negative this week and when I read this I did read it a couple of times. My focus for today is, “Father I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You. Wonderful are Your works (and I am Your work); my soul knows it very well.” Thank You Betty


  4. I really loved your post. Biggest “ahh ha” moment for me was when you said, “3) Becoming what I think of me is the quickest way to forget about what God thinks of me. This is a loaded statement so re-read it a couple of times and truly let it penetrate into your soul. (Psalm 139:14)”. Thanks for sharing 🙂


    • It’s really true though, right?! I find the time I get the most down on myself is when I give myself permission to believe the lies I create….over the truths that God has revealed. Bless you!


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